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Intrauterine Insemination Specialist

Rocky Mountain Fertility Center

Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Specialist located in Parker, CO

If you and your partner haven’t gotten pregnant after 6-12 months of trying, reproductive endocrinology and fertility specialist Deborah Smith, MD, at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center in Parker, Colorado, and Rapid City, South Dakota, can help. Dr. Smith offers intrauterine insemination as a fertility treatment to increase your chance of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy. Call Rocky Mountain Fertility Center to learn more about intrauterine insemination or schedule an appointment online today.

Intrauterine Insemination Q & A

What is intrauterine insemination?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI), also known as artificial insemination, is an infertility treatment in which your doctor places healthy sperm directly into your uterus when you ovulate to help you become pregnant. 

The procedure increases the chance of the sperm fertilizing your egg if you’ve struggled to conceive in the past.

Should I try intrauterine insemination?

After reviewing your medical history and completing blood, hormone, imaging, or other diagnostic tests, your Rocky Mountain Fertility Center provider lets you know if you’re a good candidate for IUI. It might be a good match if you have:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Infertility related to endometriosis
  • A partner with borderline male infertility
  • The need for donor sperm
  • Infertility related to cervical abnormalities
  • Problems with ovulation
  • A semen allergy

Intrauterine insemination is a safe and simple procedure with a low risk of complications. Your doctor might recommend the IUI before more complex infertility treatments. 

Depending on the reason for infertility, your provider might combine artificial insemination with fertility medications, such as clomiphene, gonadotropin, or letrozole.

How should I prepare for intrauterine insemination?

Prior to intrauterine insemination, your partner provides a semen sample. You can also use donor sperm for the procedure. Your specialist monitors you to determine when you’re ovulating. 

They might recommend an at-home ovulation kit, medications that make you ovulate, or imaging procedures that assess ovaries and egg growth.

What happens during intrauterine insemination?

Your doctor usually completes intrauterine insemination 1-2 days after detecting ovulation. It’s done in the office and takes just minutes. You lie down on a comfortable exam table and place your feet in stirrups. Your doctor:

  • Inserts a speculum into your vagina
  • Inserts a catheter containing a sperm sample
  • Pushes the sperm into your uterus
  • Takes out the catheter and speculum

Intrauterine insemination is fast and painless and doesn’t require anesthesia. After the procedure, you lie on your back for a while before resuming normal everyday activities. You might notice light bleeding, or spotting, for 1-2 days.

When should I take a pregnancy test?

About two weeks after intrauterine insemination, take an at-home pregnancy test or return to your doctor’s office for a blood test that detects pregnancy. If IUI doesn’t work and you’ve tried it several times, your specialist might recommend another infertility treatment.

Don’t give up if you haven’t gotten pregnant after 6-12 months of trying. Rocky Mountain Fertility Center has success rates among the highest in the nation. Call to learn more about IUI or book an appointment online today.