Helping a Loved One Through Fertility Issues

When you’ve decided to undergo fertility treatments, part of the challenge is remaining realistically optimistic as you undergo a series of evaluations and therapies aimed at helping you become a parent.
Rocky Mountain Fertility Center, directed by Reproductive Endocrinologist Deborah Smith, MD, is a full-service fertility clinic and IVF andrology lab that enjoys one of the highest success rates in the nation. Our team is fully committed to providing patient-focused care that helps you overcome the uniquely personal issues associated with infertility.
That includes offering accurate information about the technical aspects and expectations for the fertility treatments our specialists recommend, as well as ongoing emotional support as you make choices about your care.
We’re happy to provide insight about ways your family and friends can help build a supportive network in your personal life.
Steps you can take to help a loved one through fertility issues
When a loved one is struggling with the emotional, physical, and financial concerns related to infertility treatments, these tips may help ease their discomfort:
Offer your support out loud
We often assume that those we love already know that we care about their fears and hopes regarding fertility treatments.
That’s probably true to some extent. But it’s important to express your support during a conversation or perhaps with a heartfelt note. Remember, you’re not offering to fix the problem, just letting them know you’re available.
Ask what your loved one needs from you at that moment
For some people, just knowing you care is enough. Others may want to share the details of their most recent treatment experience. Sometimes your loved one may want to spend an afternoon thinking and talking about anything but their fertility issues.
Let your loved one guide the discussion. Remember that men struggle with infertility in equal proportion to women, so don’t leave them out of the conversation.
Research infertility and fertility treatments
Understanding the basic causes of infertility and the treatments your loved one may undergo gives you valuable insight should they decide to share details of their journey.
Our Rocky Mountain Fertility Center website offers practical information about diagnosing and treating fertility issues, as well as what to expect during the process.
Know your limitations
Refrain from becoming a pseudo-specialist. Rather than recommending a better treatment your loved one should consider, encourage them to discuss any questions or misgivings with their specialist.
We firmly believe that along with our medical skill and use of advanced technology, our willingness to have open and compassionate discussions with our patients is one of the reasons we enjoy such a high success rate at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center.
Stress related to anxiety about unfamiliar medical procedures and worry over whether you’re making the right decision can decrease ovulation and successful fertilization. Make it your goal to lower your loved one’s stress level by steering them toward supportive specialty care.
Think before you speak
It’s natural to want to offer an upside to an infertility diagnosis. Comments like, “Well, you can still adopt,” while spoken with the best of intentions, often appear to minimize the feelings of disappointment or sadness your loved one is experiencing.
Try a simple, “I’m sorry,” instead, and encourage your loved one to consider alternatives when the timing is right. Ongoing advances in medical technology and treatment techniques do offer increasing opportunities for achieving the miracle of parenthood for those experiencing issues with fertility.
For more information about the services we offer and your treatment options, schedule an evaluation at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center today. We have locations in Parker, Colorado, and Rapid City, South Dakota.
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