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What Is Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)?canstockphoto26340539

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a natural hormone that is used in the development of egg (follicles) that is produced in the ovaries. It is also useful in sperm development.

When Is FSH Used?

Follicle Stimulating Hormone should be used for benefits such as;

What Are the Side Effects associated with Use of Follicle Stimulating Hormone?

The patient should seek medical attention, stop using the FSH and notify the doctor if you experience the following conditions:

At least 5 % of people treated with FSH experience ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS) after their first cycle. The symptoms of OHSS include:

Other side effects include;

How Do I Prepare When I Need To Take FSH Test?

Medications such as clomiphene, levodopa, digitalis and cimetidine can alter the test results. Your doctor may request you to refrain from taking drugs that contain high levels of progesterone and estrogen or both before making the FSH. To be on the safe side, ask the doctor to prescribe a list of over- the-counter medicines can work together with the Follicle Stimulating Hormone.

Also, inform your doctor in case you have undergone a radioactive substance tracer test in the past few days. A radioactive tracer tests includes a bone or thyroid scan that can alter with the result of the Follicle Stimulating Hormone.

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