Myths and Facts About IVF

Advancements in technology, along with the medical expertise of nationally recognized Reproductive Endocrinologists like Dr. Deborah Smith of the Rocky Mountain Fertility Center, have increased the popularity and the success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Dr. Smith and our entire team of experts, located in Parker, Colorado, and Rapid City, South Dakota, are committed to helping hopeful parents achieve the miracle of conceiving and delivering a healthy baby.
Part of our mission is to blend top-notch medical skills with a warm and welcoming environment that emphasizes your understanding and participation in the process. We firmly believe this combination of expertise and patient-first focus has led to our high success rate for fertility treatments, including IVF.
We’re happy to help dispel some of the myths surrounding IVF by offering the truth about this increasingly successful pathway to parenthood.
Myth: You should expect multiple babies if you have IVF
Transferring more than one embryo during IVF can indeed lead to multiple births. However, it’s not IVF, but the number of embryos transferred to the uterus during the procedure, that increases your risk of multiple babies.
Dr. Smith discusses your options carefully before proceeding with IVF. A single embryo transfer, for instance, narrows your odds of having twins to less than 3%.
Myth: Babies born through IVF have health and developmental problems
There is no evidence that babies born by IVF have increased rates of developmental delay or physical issues that contribute to health issues. Furthermore, we take full advantage of technology to help ease your concerns about potential health or developmental issues.
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), for instance, provides us with a way to identify concerns before IVF implantation. We can use PGT to help determine reasons for previous multiple miscarriages or issues linked to genetically linked chromosomal abnormalities.
Myth: IVF is rarely successful
Success rates for IVF implantation that results in a full-term pregnancy and delivery continue to climb as our understanding and medical skills surrounding fertilization and development, embryo cryopreservation, and other invaluable aids to combating infertility increase.
Myth: IVF is your only option for infertility
Numerous factors contribute to infertility, and many solutions do not require IVF. Dr. Smith and our team focus carefully on the underlying cause of your fertility issues before making recommendations for treatment.
Depending on the results of your evaluation, Dr. Smith may suggest:
- Stress reduction, healthy weight gain or loss, and other positive lifestyle changes
- Medication to help overcome male or female infertility
- Supplements to improve egg and sperm quality
- Minimally invasive infertility surgery to address conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
Many of our patients are able to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy with these treatment alternatives to IVF.
At Rocky Mountain Fertility Center, rather than following a one-size-fits-all protocol, we are passionately committed to developing individualized treatment strategies that meet your needs, which may not include IVF implantation. If IVF is your best option, however, rest assured that our team excels at this intricate but increasingly successful procedure.
For an accurate diagnosis regarding infertility and outstanding treatments that are designed to help you achieve the miracle of parenthood, schedule a visit at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center today.
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