Should We Do PGT When We Do Our IVF Cycle?

About 12% of American couples face infertility. It’s a common problem, and the journey can take an emotional toll on many couples. But there are technological advances in today’s infertility medicine that can help.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of assisted reproductive technology that can significantly increase your chances of having a healthy baby if you’re struggling to conceive. If you’ve considered IVF, chances are high that you’ve heard about preimplantation genetic testing (PGT).
PGT is a genetic test that can be used in combination with IVF to help determine if there are any genetic chromosomal abnormalities in an embryo. It can be a good option for couples who are at risk for passing chromosomal defects to their children.
Here at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center, Dr. Deborah Smith is a specialist in preimplantation genetic testing and in vitro fertilization. To find out if assisted reproductive technology could be right for you and your partner, book an appointment with her at one of our convenient locations in Englewood, Colorado, and Rapid City, South Dakota.
The benefits of PGT
Chromosomal abnormalities can impact fertility and pregnancy. Women under age 35 on average have 40% of their embryos affected by chromosomal abnormalities, and that number climbs to 80% for women over age 41.
PGT is a test that detects chromosomal abnormalities that can cause genetic diseases or developmental disorders. It can be done along with IVF to ensure that implanted embryos are high quality and have the best chances of success.
Dr. Smith may recommend PGT with IVF if you:
- Are a woman over age 35
- Are at risk for having a child with chromosomal abnormalities
- Are at risk for having a child with a genetic disease-this requires specialized testing and preparation to see if you qualify
- Have a history of miscarriage
- Have a history of unsuccessful IVF cycles despite high-quality embryos
- Have a known chromosomal defect
PGT can lower your risk of miscarriage and increase your chances of having a successful IVF cycle at first embryo transfer. It can also reduce your risk of having a baby with chromosomal abnormalities.
How PGT fits into your IVF cycle
As a part of your in vitro fertilization, our team retrieves a number of mature eggs. They’re fertilized with sperm in our on-site lab, and they begin to develop. If you aren’t doing PGT, the fertilized eggs are either frozen for a “freeze all cycle” or implanted into your uterus. But if you do PGT, there’s another step before implantation.
During the development stage, the embryologists at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center take a biopsy — a small sample of cells — from the embryos. The biopsy is then tested for a series of chromosomal defects. Testing may take up to a week, and the embryos can be frozen to preserve them while you wait for results to come back.
PGT identifies abnormalities that could affect the success of your pregnancy or the development of your baby. After the testing, healthy embryos without identified chromosomal defects are implanted into your uterus. Small microdeletions in the chromosomes are not picked up with standard PGT testing.
While PGT is commonly done with IVF, it doesn’t have to be performed in conjunction with an IVF cycle. If you and your partner are concerned about chromosomal abnormalities or you’re at risk of having a child with a genetic disease, talk to Dr. Smith to find out if your family could benefit from PGT.
Our team is here to help you navigate infertility and grow your family. Request an appointment online or by phone today to learn more about your options.
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