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Couples who are unable to conceive after 1 year of contraceptive-free intercourse are considered infertile. However, if a woman is over 35 years of age, and is unable to conceive after 6 months of contraceptive-free intercourse, she may consider fertility treatment. With advanced age of the female, her fertility declines, and hence the shorter time-frame is advisable for women over 35.

Initial Evaluation

Women who are tested for fertility are initially asked about their general medical history, sexual and surgical histories as well as lifestyle choices. A physical examination is required to identify any abnormalities in thyroid, breasts and the pelvic region. A Pap smear test will be performed. The physician will want to confirm the occurrence of ovulation as well as general Infertility-Sign-300x300ovarian and uterine functions.

Specialized Tests

Typical diagnostic tests for female infertility may include the following:










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