What Is Preimplantation Genetic Testing?

Solving the problems of infertility for couples seeking the miracle of parenthood has long been the mission of Reproductive Endocrinologist Dr. Deborah Smith and our infertility specialist team at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center (RMFC).
Dr. Smith and our dedicated group serve patients from our state-of-the-art facilities in Parker, Colorado, and Rapid City, South Dakota. They’ve received national acclaim for their extremely high success rate and supportive, patient-first approach to fertility treatments.
Learn why Dr. Smith and our team consider preimplantation genetic testing a valuable aid in reaching their goal of helping you achieve the dream of becoming a parent.
What is preimplantation genetic testing?
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) helps us identify genetically produced diseases and chromosomal abnormalities that can affect a developing baby. The testing is done on an embryo that was developed during an IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedure before the embryo is implanted in the uterus.
What are the benefits of PGT?
PGT has been used to detect more than 400 different types of disease that can affect a child, and many different chromosomal defects. Many of the abnormalities discovered during PGT interfere with successful embryonic implantation or progression of the pregnancy, which leads to miscarriage. Other disorders can cause grave health complications that become apparent after birth or may develop as the child ages.
We use PGT to select embryos for implantation that have the healthiest chance of progressing through all stages of pregnancy, delivery, and maturation.
Who should consider PGT?
Every case is unique, and our team at RMFC always takes time to explore your best fertility options before presenting you with our findings and recommendations regarding treatment.
PGT is not for every couple. The decision is always yours to make, but we may recommend a couple to use PGT for several reasons, including:
- Female partner aged 35 or older
- History of recurrent miscarriages of unknown cause
- Previous unsuccessful IVF cycle despite good quality embryos
We may also suggest PGT if you are concerned about:
- One member of the couple carrying a known chromosomal defect
- A previous pregnancy/birth of a child with a chromosome abnormality
- The risk of having a child with an genetic disease
Note that some couples who do not struggle with infertility choose PGT because they have a child experiencing severe health complications related to a genetic disorder. You may also decide to undergo PGT if you’re concerned about cancer-related gene mutations in your family such as the breast cancer genes.
PGT is one of the many tools we use here at RMFC to help ensure your fertility treatments and plans for a healthy pregnancy and delivery are a success.
For more information about fertility treatments that may include preimplantation genetic testing, schedule a visit at Rocky Mountain Fertility Center today.
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